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New Music: India Shawn – Galaxies

(By: Jamila Wright for

Take a trip into outer space with India Shawn.

The R&B songstress is back and as ethereal as ever in her latest track “Galaxies” co-written by herself and singer-songwriter Leon Thomas. India’s new song tackles the feeling of not having your lover near when all you want is to be right next to them.

“It’s so cold up in my room right here without you / So I’m up late in my room thinking about you,” she sings. “So you’re galaxies away from me / I don’t really want to be galaxies away from who I love.”

Featuring an airy tone, where each note effortlessly flows into the next, Shawn’s vocals shine on the track as they capture the essence of wanting a love so bad that it seems impossible to actually have.

Listen to the track below.

Soul Selector Administrator

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